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Numeris Consulting is your recruiter for experts in the field of finance

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Numeris Consulting is your headhunter for experts in the field of finance

In today's dynamic business environment, the finance industry is facing a myriad of challenges and opportunities. As a leading HR company specialising in the recruitment of executives and experts in the finance and real estate sectors, Numeris Consulting is committed to providing valuable insights into these trends to help businesses stay ahead of the curve and thrive in a competitive marketplace.

Regulation: Balancing Compliance and Innovation

The finance industry is no stranger to regulation, with financial institutions continually adapting to new rules and policies designed to protect consumers and maintain the stability of the global economy. In recent years, regulations such as MiFID II, Basel III, and GDPR have placed additional compliance burdens on businesses, requiring them to invest in new systems, processes, and skilled personnel.

While regulation is necessary to safeguard against systemic risks and maintain trust in the financial system, it can also stifle innovation and impede growth. Navigating the delicate balance between compliance and innovation is a critical challenge facing the industry, demanding skilled professionals who can guide organisations through the complexities of the regulatory landscape.

Digitalisation: Embracing the Future of Finance

The rapid evolution of technology has brought about significant changes in the finance industry, with digitalisation presenting both challenges and opportunities. Financial institutions are under increasing pressure to adapt to the digital age, offering customers convenient, secure, and personalised services through online and mobile platforms. Even a new industry arised: FinTech (financial technology, more on that later).

Embracing digital transformation is essential for financial organisations to remain competitive in the sector. This requires a workforce with the skills and knowledge necessary to successfully navigate the digital landscape, from harnessing the power of big data and artificial intelligence to implementing robust cybersecurity measures.

Energy Costs: Aligning Financial Goals with Sustainability

As the global economy transitions towards a more sustainable and environmentally conscious model, the finance industry is under increasing scrutiny regarding its role in mitigating climate change. Financial institutions are now expected to align their investment strategies with sustainability goals, manage environmental risks, and support the transition to a low-carbon economy.

Integrating environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors into financial decision-making is an increasingly important aspect of this and every other industry. This shift necessitates professionals with a strong background in ESG to help organisations adapt their business models and strategies to the demands of a greener future, ensuring long-term growth and success.  A great ESG score is also becoming a more and more crucial aspect of how companies are valued in the future.

Shortage of Skilled Workers: Bridging the Talent Gap

The finance sector is currently experiencing a shortage of skilled workers, with a particular demand for professionals with expertise in areas such as data analytics, risk management, and regulatory compliance. This talent gap, if left unaddressed, could hinder the growth and competitiveness of financial institutions.

Overcoming the urgent skills deficit requires a multi-faceted approach that goes beyond merely identifying and recruiting outstanding industry talent. Organisations must also cultivate a culture that nurtures continuous learning and growth, empowering employees to make a substantial impact and contribute to the company's success in a competitive and fast-paced market.

The Rise of Fintech and Disruption

The finance industry is witnessing the rapid growth of fintech, which is disrupting traditional financial models and changing the way people interact with financial services. Fintech companies are leveraging innovative technologies to provide more efficient, cost-effective, and accessible solutions, challenging the status quo of the industry.

To remain competitive, financial institutions must embrace fintech innovations and develop strategies to adapt to this new landscape. This may involve forming strategic partnerships with fintech companies, investing in research and development, or acquiring new talent with the necessary skills to lead digital transformation efforts.

Geopolitical Risks and Global Uncertainty

The finance industry is increasingly influenced by geopolitical risks and global uncertainty, including trade tensions, political instability, and economic crises. These factors can have significant implications for financial markets and institutions, affecting investment strategies, risk management, and business operations. Nowadays, we live in a VUCA world (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, Ambiguous).

To successfully navigate these challenges, financial institutions must develop robust contingency plans and cultivate a deep understanding of the geopolitical landscape. This requires professionals with expertise in global markets, macroeconomic analysis, and geopolitical risk assessment, who can anticipate potential disruptions and help organisations adapt to the changing environment.

Evolving Customer Expectations

As consumer expectations continue to evolve, the finance industry must adapt to meet the changing demands of its customer base. Today's consumers expect greater transparency, personalised services, and seamless experiences across digital and physical channels. Financial institutions must find innovative ways to engage with their customers and build long-lasting relationships.

To address this challenge, organisations need professionals with expertise in customer experience, data-driven marketing, and user-centric design. These individuals can help financial institutions develop and implement customer-focused strategies that drive customer satisfaction, loyalty, and long-term growth.

The Growing Importance of Cybersecurity

As the finance industry becomes more digitally connected, the risk of cyber threats increases. Data breaches, ransomware attacks, and other forms of cybercrime can have severe financial and reputational consequences for financial institutions.

To safeguard against these risks, organisations must invest in robust cybersecurity measures and develop a culture of security awareness inside the organisation. This requires the recruitment of skilled cybersecurity professionals who can identify vulnerabilities, implement effective security controls, and stay up-to-date with the latest threat intelligence.

Embracing Opportunities in the Finance Sector

Despite the numerous challenges facing the finance industry, there are also numerous opportunities for growth and innovation. By leveraging emerging technologies, embracing sustainability, and adapting to evolving customer expectations, financial institutions can capitalise on these opportunities and position themselves for long-term success.

One of the most significant opportunities in the finance sector lies in the adoption of cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and blockchain. These technologies can help financial institutions streamline operations, enhance customer experiences, and unlock new revenue streams. For example, AI-driven data analytics can enable organisations to gain deeper insights into customer behaviour, identify new market opportunities, and optimise investment strategies.

Another promising area is the growth of sustainable finance, as increasing awareness of environmental and social issues drives the demand for responsible investment options. Financial institutions can seize this opportunity by developing innovative financial products and services that align with sustainability goals, such as green bonds, impact investing, and ESG-focused funds. By demonstrating a commitment to sustainable practices, organisations can attract conscious investors and enhance their reputation in the market.

Additionally, the rise of fintech has created opportunities for collaboration and innovation within the finance sector. Traditional financial institutions can partner with fintech startups to develop new products and services that cater to the evolving needs of consumers. This collaborative approach can foster innovation, improve operational efficiency, and enhance customer satisfaction, ultimately driving growth and competitiveness.

At Numeris Consulting, our expertise in the finance and real estate sectors enables us to effectively navigate the ever-evolving landscape and deliver exceptional results to our clients. By identifying and recruiting top executives and experts in areas such as regulatory affairs, digital transformation, ESG, risk management or fintech, we help our clients overcome the challenges facing the finance sector and seize the opportunities presented by a rapidly changing industry. Partner with us to ensure your organisation is equipped with the talent necessary to excel in today's competitive financial market


3 reasons to work with us

Professional specialisation & network

  • In-depth industry knowledge:

    Up-to-date expertise on processes and structures of various functions and sectors.
  • Network:

    Tens of thousands of contact points with decision-makers through more than 100 events and > 800 mandates per year.
  • Experts:

    Partners with industry expertise and specialised recruiting teams act as equals.

Recruiting – excellence and customer centricity

  • Many years of experience:

    Best-in-class recruiting expertise from working with over 2,500 companies in 12 years.
  • Holistic consulting:

    Expertise in profile definition, sourcing, personnel selection, employer branding and candidate journey.
  • Customised solutions:

    Individual offer based on the customer's specific requirements.

Tech-enabled research

  • More suitable candidates:

    Combination of in-house recruiting software and external networks / tools.
  • Data-driven insights:

    Access to relevant data for fact-based consulting, process optimisation and salary analyses.
  • Ultra-high quality:

    Efficient processes are mapped on the software side and support consultants in their daily work.

Was unsere Partner:innen über uns sagen

John Doe
Nicolai Wendland
Geschäftsführer - 21st Real Estate

Mich hat in den Vorab-Gesprächen mit Numeris besonders die datengetriebene Herangehensweise überzeugt. Der Ansatz ist neu und hat für uns auch super funktioniert! Wir konnten unseren CSO sehr schnell besetzen und ich bin total zufrieden mit dem Ergebnis.

Nikos Kalitta
Director Group Accounting & Taxation - Get Your Guide

Ich habe Numeris für die Suche unseres Head of Accounting beauftragt, weil ich selbst einmal sehr sympathisch und individuell als Kandidat kontaktiert wurde. Für mich war ein Wechsel keine Option aber der Kontakt hat mir von Beginn an sehr gut gefallen. Der Eindruck hat sich mir auch als Kunde bestätigt. Die Zusammenarbeit mit Numeris habe ich als sehr partnerschaftlich und effizient empfunden und ich würde jederzeit wieder mit dem Team arbeiten.

Laura Albrecht
Senior HR Manager – Recruitment bei EGON OLDENDORFF Management GmbH

Mit Hilfe von Numeris Consulting konnten wir eine sehr herausfordernde Suche im Finance-Umfeld zu einem erfolgreichen Abschluss bringen und einen super Teamfit gewährleisten, was uns insbesondere bei Führungspositionen enorm wichtig ist. Wir waren über den gesamten Prozess hinweg stets bestens informiert und die Kommunikation lief immer auf Augenhöhe ab. Gerne empfehlen wir das Team von Numeris weiter und freuen uns auf weitere Projekte.

Kirsten Venhues
Leiterin Personal- und Rechtsabteilung bei Studio Babelsberg AG

Wir konnten mithilfe der Recruiting Expert:innen von Numeris Consulting eine schwer zu besetzende Vakanz im Bereich HR & Legal füllen. Die Zusammenarbeit war sehr angenehm, immer kooperativ und von hoher Effizienz, Transparenz und Professionalität geprägt. Durch das regelmäßige Reporting und die Abstimmung alle zwei Wochen waren wir stets umfassend über den Suchprozess informiert. Dank der Expertise von Numeris haben wir nun einen Nachfolger für mich gefunden, der sehr gut in unser Team passt. Wir empfehlen Numeris Consulting sehr gerne weiter!

Matthias Lange
Managing Partner - Finleap

Wir haben Numeris unter anderem für die Suche eines Senior Credit Risk Experts beauftragt. Wir hatten von Anfang an das Gefühl in den richtigen Händen zu sein. Das Team hat sehr schnell verstanden, was wir brauchen und welche Charaktere in unser Team passen. Danke für die tolle Zusammenarbeit!

Steffi Wicht
Human Resources Manager & Executive Assistant - Catella Residential Investment Management GmbH

Das Team von Numeris zeichnet sich durch eine klar strukturierte und vor allem transparente Vorgehensweise aus. So haben wir schnell unseren Fondscontroller gefunden und sind sehr zufrieden mit der Zusammenarbeit.

Andreas Seithe
Geschäftsführer - OTTO WULFF Projektentwicklung GmbH

Die Zusammenarbeit mit Numeris gestaltete sich für uns jederzeit angenehm, zielorientiert und professionell.

Dirk Schildt
Head of SAP Competence Center bei ALTANA Management Services GmbH

Mithilfe der Recruiting Expert:innen von Numeris Consulting konnten wir innerhalb von 2,5 Monaten eine sehr schwer zu besetzende Rolle im Bereich SAP Treasury erfolgreich besetzen. Die Zusammenarbeit war jederzeit von sehr guter Beratung, Kommunikation sowie Transparenz geprägt und hat uns großen Spaß gemacht. Wir empfehlen Numeris Consulting gerne weiter und freuen uns auf weitere gemeinsame Projekte.

Sebastian Wirbals
Leiter Personal & Organisation - LIST AG

Wir haben mit Numeris mehrere Positionen im Baumanagement erfolgreich besetzen können, mit denen wir in der aktuellen Marktlage Schwierigkeiten hatten. Ich habe besonders die Kommunikation mit dem Team geschätzt und generell den sympathischen Umgang und die Professionalität der Mitarbeiter. Ich arbeite einfach gerne mit Numeris.

Marc Laubenheimer
Geschäftsführer - Engel & Völkers Capital

Das Team von Numeris arbeitet höchst professionell. Man spürt sofort, dass das Team einen starken Fokus besitzt und die Ziele klar definiert sind. Die Zusammenarbeit hat Spaß gemacht und ich empfehle Numeris immer gerne weiter.

Aleksey Mazurov
HR Manager - Target Germanium GmbH

Numeris hat uns bei der Einstellung einer Reihe von IT- und Fachkräften geholfen. Ich kann sie definitiv als vertrauenswürdiges und kompetentes Personalvermittlungsunternehmen empfehlen.

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